How to Decide a Wedding Cake

Idea & Inspiration The process of selecting a cake should start as early as 6 months ahead after your engagement.   Get recomme...

Skin Care for Bride-to-be

The pre-bridal skin care should at least begin one month before your big day. To ensure that that you wake up feeling fresh and hea...

The Chinese Wedding Culture - Part 3: Selecting the Auspicious Date

For a traditional Chinese wedding, a date is usually difficult to set until they have consulted a fortune master or through the use ...

Guest Blogger : CL Makeup Artistry

While I was away for voyage, I requested my good friend, Cherlyn Tan to be my guest blogger as wedding planning can be a vast subject of ma...

Wedding Planning Tips 1: Define your Wedding Vision

#1 - Collect information about wedding; watch some wedding video, get some wedding magazine, research wedding pictures online to get some...

The Chinese Wedding Culture - Part 2: Significance of the Tea

 Tea is used during the Chinese wedding tea ceremony because it is China’s national drink and serving it is a sign of respect. Using t...

The Chinese Wedding Culture - Part 1: Chinese Tea Ceremony

The Chinese wedding tea ceremony begins when the groom's visit to the bride. The brides often have a few girl friends at the house who...

Inspiration #001 The Oriental Red

A bride came to us and wanted to have some idea for the oriental Chinese wedding in red theme only for the " Bride fetching ceremony&...

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